Luariina's Blog

A blog space for Luariina's travels, dreams, hopes and Roleplay information and collection. Along with Pictures and creations.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vampiric Drinking 1 By Me

~She smiles coyly as she stands next to him her hand against(( persons ))chest she presses her lips against his chest running them slowly towards his neck her hands exploreing him as she presses against him, she makes her way to his head griping his hair and pulling his head to the side exposing his warm flesh feeling his blood flowing through his veins with her touch she slowly parts her crimson lips to his neck sinking her fangs deeply into his neck, she begins to feed from him as she used her body to pin him her breasts pressed against his chest and her legs cradleing his body, his blood courses through her veins as her body reacts she begins to drink heavily against him his body paralyzed her lust growing  as trinkles of blood part her lips running down her chest and his his body becomes heavy as she holds him up his heart beat fadeing she parts it before any change is done  getting enough to fullfill her needs she releases her hold on him as he slides to the ground breathing heavily she smiles as she runs her fingers down the bite wounds  licking his neck. ~

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