Before you even begin setting up I think it's advisable to ask yourself several simple questions:
1: What kind of players do you want?
It's important to state your preference at the beginning of an RP. For some people there's nothing worse than illiteracy, others tire of the elitist attitude of RPers who woffle on for seven paragraphs about their characters hair. I'd recommend you decide this first of all, because the people who play your RP will have a BIG effect on it.
2: Will it be a long-term RP?
Commited members are a must for a long-term RP and the level of planning on your part greatly increases if there's going to be an ongoing plot. It's important that you give it some thought. If you only want to set something up to amuse yourself in the short term then you can be very basic in your set up of the world, races, political system etc
3: How committed to your own thread are you going to be, and what role do you want to serve during play?
Some GM's like to play a PC and let other members shape the story together as they go, others prefer a more detatched role where they can push, prod and shape the characters surroundings at will. It's up to you. A few RP's will likely give you an idea of your preference.
Okay so the basic rules I would use when constructing a Roleplay is to make an actual storyline and post it, give the setting and history and the main objective. Which can be just to wander around and meet people if you wish. I would create a charcter profile so that others know and understand the history and appearence and what not of your charcter for example.
Weapon of Choice:
Magical Ability:
That is the one that is mainly used for it explores all about the character. You do not have to fill out one of these but you can state that the history or whatever is unknown then reveal it throughout the story. Thats my personaly favorite.
Then as for rules it all depends on the type of Rp. For example:
Illiterate RP:
Keep it Pg- 13
Semi- Literate
No god modding
Posts must be atleast a paragraph and with structure.
To speak out of context please out the typing in double brackets.
Literate RP:
Keep it Pg- 13
No god moding
Post must be over three paragraphs and well structured and double checked for spelling and grammar.
There will be no use of ' *' when you are posting.
Do type out of context please use double brackets around it.
Keep to the story line perfectly.
You may have double or triple characters as well. But keep in character.
Those are the kind of rules I would use for each situation.
And as for pointers for those who wish to become better roleplayers I would give these as pointers to becoming more literate.
- Type as if you are writing a book. Give the character insights into their thoughts and feelings and descriptive detail where it is needed.
- Do not use '*' when posting.
-Check spelling and grammar so that it is spelt correctly and makes sense.
- Take the time to spell out words do not use abreviations like 'u' or 'r'. Its aggravting to figure out what you are trying to say.
- Structure the sentences so they all flow together.
- Do not use words repeatedly. For example: He got up and got dressed. He walked into the washroom. He picked up a brush and he brushed his teeth. He walked into his room once again. He pushed open his door. He left his house. See? it gets annoying.
-Make sure you have more than just a sentence. A truely gifted roleplayer can stretch one sentance into atleast three paragraphs.
- Pay attention and read about what is going on around you. Try and effectively jump into situations where you would otherwise be left out of the general flow. Not that that is a bad thing alot of people enjoy just roleplaying on their own. Doing thier own nuts.
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