Luariina's Blog

A blog space for Luariina's travels, dreams, hopes and Roleplay information and collection. Along with Pictures and creations.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Roleplay Genres

The following is a compilation of genres. Genres are a "style" or "type" of roleplay. Common genre terms include Sci-Fi, Vampire, Romantic, Fantasy, Modern, and so and so forth. However, confusion arises whenever thread authors attempt to mix genres in their roleplay and the plot can eventually veer off track whenever their players become too involved in one sense of the overall story. Therefore, the following genres have been compiled for more universal functionality. Instead of focusing on common genres, these offer a little more complexity.


Real World Fiction: This includes anything from vamps to romance that encompasses current ideology and literature style. Basically, it stays down to earth.

Timeline Fiction: This includes anything from vamps to romance that encompasses past, future ideology and literature style. This is for those futuristic or medieval roleplays.

Western Ideology and Real World Fiction: Advanced calls for more detail and setting. Thus, we give you a more narrowed line of work. This is the same thing as the Real World Fiction genre, except it narrows the subjected RPs to Western style literature (the Americas/Europe).

Eastern Ideology and Real World Fiction: Similar to the above, except it narrows the subjected RPs to Eastern style literature (Asia/Australia/Pacific)

Western Ideology and Timeline Fiction: ……………..

Eastern Ideology and Timeline Fiction: ................

True Story: For RPs that are uncorrupted by genres and are solely based on, and replay, a true story or actual event. An example would be Watergate: Based on a True Story. Where the thread author incorporates a line of research that proves that his roleplay is as accurate as possible to the Watergate scandal involving President Nixon.

Tip: One-word genres like "Vampire" should be hinted in the introduction of the OOC or the IC. It is advised that you don't place these words in your title unless the word is apart of the name of the roleplay.

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