Everyone lets try not to multi-post. We all do it but its taboo. Multi-posting is when you post more than one post in your turn..
--->> For Example
*Luariina: ~the doors begin to creak as the lights flicker, the sounds of screams echo within the room as the onlookers watch and listen with eyes wide. The door is forced open slamming into the walls on both sides of the enterence. In the distance you are able to see a woman slowly walking in through the enterence towards the center of the room. She stops as she looks around~ Greetings I am Empress Luariina....
*Gimics: ~he caught sight of the woman
*Gimics: ~he silently moved to where he can see better
*Gimics: ~he grins~ Welcome
*Gimics: How may i help you?
*Luariina: ~her eyes pierce the man as a brow raises she holds out her hand out motioning him to keep his distance~ Sir, Please keep your distance from me, I have entered on chance that i may speak with your Queen..
See how the rapid posts of Gimics compared to Luariinas.. It makes it comfusing for both Gimics, Luariina but all who are within the roleplay who are within it or wanting to join it. They do not know whose post they should respond to. Because of this it is polite when roleplaying do long posts. Usually two or three actions are in one post, sometimes there are more depending on the roleplay and who and what is happening and how you like to write it out.
RP Taboo: Mixing OOC with IC
This is probably one of the biggest problems that exist in the world of roleplay.
Basically the key to keeping your real life out of your online roleplaying life is to remember that they're seperate lives. You are not your character. When you go to turn off your computer, your character is turned off with it. You do not go around living a life with the mindset of your character. And when you go to put on your codes and your av and slip into the role of your character, you do not exist in that fabricated world that your character lives in.
I do realize that you cannot play your character completely objectively, else you'd have no passion for interaction but you have to remember that your character is not you.
Another point. What you, as the typist, knows about another may not be what your character knows. Now this can be a little difficult to seperate, because, say, you, the typist, found out that some hunter is going after you and is hiding out in your home to stab you to death the moment you fall asleep, your character may decide to spend the next several nights at a friend's house or camping, whatever. This is not exactly what I'm talking about because such information is hard to forget; not many of us make characters just so they can be killed by the next bob on the street. What I am talking about is when you're ooc and you find out some information, like a weakness, of a character; you cannot use that information about that character. When you obtain information ooc, you cannot and should not let this information leak into your character's knowledge. There is no magical link that connects your brain to your character's brain like that. This is not how it works in real life either. If your character needs information, they have to do their own homework: research, spying, asking people, whatever. Your character does not know what you, the typist, are thinking.
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