Luariina's Blog

A blog space for Luariina's travels, dreams, hopes and Roleplay information and collection. Along with Pictures and creations.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joining Roleplays

Joining a roleplay is much like joining the ancient Roman Forum; meaning, you just have to jump in and add to the heap. As long as the roleplay is public, you simply have to announce your entry and post up a character profile; if, that is, the Thread-Author requires one. Some roleplays don't require profiles, and only ask you to describe your character in your first IC post for the roleplay.

Be careful, though, as some roleplays that have already started, and are more than 3 pages into the story, may not be as open as they were before. If the roleplay is more than 3 pages into the IC, then it is advised that you consult the Thread-Author in the OOC or by PM before joining. Don’t forget to read all of the IC posts that have been posted so far, to make sure that you're on track with the plot before you embarrass yourself.

If you are interested in joining a Private RP, then you should consult the Thread-Author directly by PM for permission. Normally, the Thread-Authors will extend invitations to you, but this does not mean that you should feel shy to ask. Keep in mind, that whenever you are participating in a private RP, you should be respectful of the Thread-Author as well as the other participants. Private RPs may have less rules and moderation, but it is still an honor to be invited, or accepted into one.

Always make sure you have plenty of time to contribute to the roleplay, whether it's private or public. No body likes a ditcher!

Make sure it's okay with the Thread-Author before joining an already-developed roleplay

Look for the OOC thread of the roleplay you are interested in before joining. OOC threads are stored in the OOC sub-forums for each Category. These threads are usually where the Thread-Authors prefer that you post your profiles.

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