Luariina's Blog

A blog space for Luariina's travels, dreams, hopes and Roleplay information and collection. Along with Pictures and creations.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

RP Rules & Regulations

1) Respect the Game Master. Be courteous to the RP's creator (Game Master) and respect their wishes. The creator of the RP has the final say in what does and does not go in their RP. If you have been asked not to post, please do so and find another RP. This also applies to following the rules that the thread creator has set down to make sure that everybody is playing on the same level and playing fairly.

2) Use appropriate spelling and grammar. Mistakes here and there are okay, but don't use internet dialect such as l33t, g2g, etc. An occasional error is understandable, but do not make it a frequent occurance. Grammar also includes the use of paragraphs. For longer posts, it is essential that you use paragraphs to ensure that your post is easy to comprehend. Pasting your post into Microsoft Word and running a spell check before you post is advised.

3) Longer posts are better. No short, meaningless posting. All roleplay posts should consist of at least 10 lines. The ocasional short blurb is expected, but please avoid making it a habit. No one wants to read an essay, but your posts will be better if you can extend them. Detailed descri*ptions not only make roleplaying more interesting, it ensures that your fellow characters understand your play; reducing any OOC confusion, and hopefully preventing arguements about play.

4) No vulgarity. The standard HE rules apply, especially those regarding the posting of obscene and hateful material. You should be well versed in them before posting in this board. Cursing and swearing are allowed, however exessive use is not permitted. It is vulgar and unoriginal and does not make for effective roleplay.

5) Do not control other players. Unless you are told that you may do otherwise, you do not have control over any character other than your own. It is very rude to control another person's character.

6) Do not auto. Do not assume that any attack you have made against another character automatically hits the target. It is very rude to decide that the character is suddenly stabbed or struck blind or killed or whatever because you just did it to them without giving them a chance to block, evade, or counter. Likewise, don't assume that you are impervious to being damaged. Your character cannot dodge or block every attack thrown at you, so don't so say they can.

7) Do not god-mod. This includes things like pulling out powerful weapons that you never had before, blocking or dodging attacks in ways that shouldn't be possible, and using attacks that exceed the limits of your character's power.

8) Stick to your character. After you've established your character and your weapons, stick to it! Ddo not modify your character mid-roleplay unless you have the permission of the Game Master. 

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