Luariina's Blog

A blog space for Luariina's travels, dreams, hopes and Roleplay information and collection. Along with Pictures and creations.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


((Just change names and places and walla a crowning ceremony))


Today we are going to crown NAME  as a Queen.

NAME we acknowledge that you are such a woman. For you have enriched and bewitched our lives with your loving heart, (include personal qualitys and individual peculiar triats)

You offer only your unconditional friendship as well as practical help and sound advice. You are indeed a Queen and you bestow onto us the royal gifts of loyalty love and friendship.

Some of us have known you only for a short time, others much, much longer. But it is all the days and years of your life and your relationships with others that have shaped you into the person and the source of wisdom that we find you today, a princess became a Queen.

As your friends, NAME I will give the floor to each person who wishes to share their memorys about you and how and why you are so special to us and it is well if none wish to speak words for they also show in actions if none wish to raise their hands i shall continue.

(guests raises hands as i call out ones who wish to speak something in short about NAME))

Throught out life we pass through many stages. Each stage marks and brings about profound change in our lives, birth, rebirth, changing, leaving all of what you know, being what you fear. All and more bring signigicant change and identity to our lives. This crowning announces, and in many respects, creates the stage or state in your life.

At this passage in your life your focus will shift from the exterior world of conventions to the freedom of being the ruler of your own inner realms. Your challenge is to make known your understandings of life and lend your wisdom to enlighten others to lifes beauty and its ugliness. What they are what they have become  its light and shadow teaching them and guideing them. For the awakened woman holds the keys ruler of her own life.

(The crown is placed on head)

The circle of the crown is a symbol of the sun and of the earth and the universe. A circle for love that never ends, a circle for arms that embrace. A symbol of friendship, for friendship breaks down all boundaries and has by its very nature to be a circular flow of giving and receiving.

The circle is a symbol of unity into which your life is joined in an unbroken circle to those whom you choose to love and befriend, so wherever you go in life, your love will constantly be returning to them.

((~holds out her palm to NAME showing three glass stones them to her, then to the others.~))

These stones represent your life - past, present and future. (doesnt matter the bread we all have a past and future). One represents your past one the present and the other the future. It does not matter which is which for we are all interconnected all in process- from rock and shell to stone and sand. One grain of sand makes a whole beach. Time is both her story and potential happening in this one moment always in the now.

Love friendships and wisdom are formed through shared experiences and these experiences are refined by the purity of the fire of your feelings. These glass stones are sand refined by fire. Theu represent that love friendship and wisdom has substance as well as soul a present as well as a past.

The experiences you have had together through confidences shared through joy fun and laughter and despite occasional sorrows has polished your love friendship and wisdom into a closeness that shines with good memories and gives a sparkle not only to today but to your futures together.

NAME however painful the past you have learned much wisdom from it how ever much you have had to struggle there have been rich days like today however daunting or hopeful the future your experiences expectations learned knowledge and feelings have shaped and will carry on shaping and developing your own unique wisdom.

(( ~ closes her palm as the stones vanish opening it as a candle appears blowing on the wick as it lights))

This candle represents the light of this wisdom. Use your wisdom to lighten the lives of all those for whom you love and care, and with them remember and celebrate all that is good within the life you have chosen or that was chosen of you. (again depending on your roleplay breed and history)

((~sets the candle down as she sprinkles salt into the palm of her hand holding it out to her~))

Take this salt and remember eternal wisdom as a woman of experience you are the salt of the earth enrich and preserve all thr rich flavour in life or death, light or darkness.

((NAME takes the salt ))

And so today NAME among the people gathered here you have entered a new stage on your journey through your ever lasting life. Now you can look forward to new ways, to the untapped energy within you that you have yet to discoverr the undiscovered opportunities joys and challenges.

May you recieve wisdom and courage to take hold of your new life within your crown, and kingdom as a queen, and rule it to your fullest. Fullfill your dormant ambitions discover new talents and find the time and space to enjoy with those around you and those who look up to you or look to you for answers or guidence.


Above you are the stars
below you are the stones
as time does pass remember
like a star should your wisdom be constant
like a stone should your wisdom be firm
be understanding
be wise
have patience
feel free in giving advice and guidance
for your experiences have crowned you as a Queen
have no fear and let not the ways or words of the unenlightened give you unease
for your spirit of wisdom and love will see you through
now go forward and rise
Rise as a queen the queen we know you to be

May NAME presence among us bring gladness and beauty
may she bless all those she encounters as a queen
may she travel her path with heart
and rejoyceing reach the end of a souls desire
may she rule with courage and heart

All present here offer to you our blessings for your future happiness we offer to you our love and support as we too remember and celebrate with you the friendship love and wisdom on wich you have given..

So be it.

RISE (NAME) and let all know that you are now known and seen as a Queen, A queen of light and dark, A queen of (( ))) friend to many and more to come no longer a princess but a Queen you have grown and passed many tests I Empress Luariina am honored to have crowned you and i am honored to know you and i am honored to be aligned with you.

Let us all congratulate NAME Crowned Queen of _______________________________

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